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5 Common Self-Publishing Mistakes

self-publishing mistakes

Have you ever made a mistake while working toward publishing your work? Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, fantasy or historical documentation, everything published requires a multi-step process – and that process lends itself to a few missteps now and then.

Here are five of the most common self-publishing mistakes and how to avoid making them yourself:

Choosing the Wrong Title

Your title is everything to your reader. It delivers a preview of what your content is about. It can be like a hook to get them interested in reading, or something to hold onto when the story turns dark and they’re hoping for a happy ending. There is power in your title- if you choose the right one, of course.

Choosing the wrong title can result in your accidentally repeating another famous title, having a work titled too similar to that of a peer, or just letting your reader down with something that doesn’t deliver on the impact your work is capable of. Chose the right title, even if it takes a little extra time to ensure you’ve made the right choice.

Ignoring Formatting

When you self-publish, you must be aware of the formatting that goes into creating a book. Some books are laid out differently than others. All books are laid out differently than straight text documents, unless you’re publishing a pamphlet or other simple literature. Be sure your formatting is correct – use a reference if you need to – or you might end up with a run of poorly-constructed texts and barely-readable books.

Skipping the Editing Process

There are many authors – both experienced and brand-new to the industry – who believe that they do not need to work with an editor. With today’s spellchecking technology and the advent of programs like Grammarly and other software that can deliver grammar and stylistic advice on your writing, why is it necessary? Some famous and successful authors have even denounced the use of editors as detrimental to the creative process.

The truth is nothing could be further from the truth. When you create a fictional story or a work of documentation or fact, you have content that you want to deliver in the best possible way to an audience. An editor helps you do this. They take your content and polish it into its final form, giving it the most impact – and you the most credit for the hard work you put into that piece.

Designing Your Book Cover Yourself

Your book cover is your preview to the world of what’s inside your book. It’s your reader’s first impression – what sells your book or makes them want to pluck it from the shelves of a library. Choosing the right cover design is crucial to your work’s success.

Designing your own cover may sound like a great idea to save time and money, but it can leave you with less-than-professional results. Don’t let your top-quality content be wrapped in a low-quality cover. Partner with a pro for an expert design that looks as great as your text deserves.

Trying Too Hard to Be Perfect

Face it – you’re going to make a few mistakes during your first publishing experience. Actually, you’re going to make mistakes during every publishing experience, no matter how long you’ve been in the business. That’s just human nature. The sooner that you accept the fact that no one is perfect – and understand that your readers will love you for your genuine humanity – the sooner you’ll embrace those imperfections and become a happier, more productive version of yourself!

Want to avoid these common self-publishing mistakes? Still need help getting your book off the ground or giving your career the boost you’re looking for? Talk to the industry experts at 4 Step Studio / Original Book Cover Designs. We have the tools you need to get readers’ attention in the modern day – and keep it!

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